Wordless Wednesday: Pareidolia has landed

I’m aware the privacy fencing on the patio needs replacing. Oh, I do. I know this because it keeps coming up on the honey-do list, even though the task never seems to make it to the top ten of what to fix next in our quaint little abode.

Built in 1949, our house was the first in the area. And I say the place, with its time worn charm, is aging gracefully.  I stand alone with this conviction.

So instead of worrying about the awkward slant our tired fencing has decided as its position of comfort, I see a photo op in the manner of an open knothole.

And pretty sure that I can get a dog nose to poke through there.

That’s Jager’s snooter in the top photo.  Not exactly what my mind’s eye envisioned when I set up the shot. If you look closer, perhaps you see what I do.  A pink alien head with big black eyes peering out with a sense of benign curiosity.  Now I can’t not see it.*

And then this.

Yup, another grayling peeking out, this one with a more ominous gaze. Micron’s boop button won’t even fit through the knothole.

But because it’s the mighty Micron. We get this too.

Good lord, check out the length of the shadow the thing has cast. Some fearsome alien weapon, that tongue.

Yeah, I’m done now.  Prolly should move the fence replacement up a notch or two on the list.


*The ability to see faces and other stuff in random images is pareidolia.  I couldn’t remember this word, nevermind spell it, without help from Google.

But check out the ever helpful Google and its sentient attempts to guess what I wanted to look up.

Ability to see farts, people? I am not going to do an image search on this. I am not.


Categories: Jager Hund, Micron

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8 replies

  1. Very creative – love the tongue shot! I must admit that these appear to be very accomodating aliens.


  2. Oh My on the last photo. There's house by the park that they created a square “hole' on their fence for their dogs.Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar


  3. SO funny– thanks for the laugh!


  4. Glad Micron didn't get a splinter in his tongue. Your post is too funny!


  5. OMG! That's hilarious! XD I love their little noses 🙂


  6. LOL Too funny. Thanks for the giggles!


  7. What a fun photo-shoot! Thanks for sharing.


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