Wordless Wednesday: Spring snow

The Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring, fell on March 20 this year.

The infernal snowpocalypse, about four inches of [bleep]ing snow, fell on March 24.

And because we are forced to enjoy Ohio weather patterns (the midwestern states version of the Bermuda Triangle) the snow today has mutated into shoe sucking mud.

Which around these parts is just as much the first signs of spring as is the robins returning to our backyards.

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10 replies

  1. Yikes! I hope it warms up out there soon!!
    Happy Wednesday.


  2. Woof! Woof! Don't you worry it will melt soon … Happy WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar


  3. I've seen snow as late as Mother's Day here in upstate NY.

    Here's hoping you get more signs of spring than just those bunny ears. 🙂


  4. We haven't had any snow, but it is still pretty chilly here! Brrrr. Hope you stay warm! Woofee


  5. Thanks for the positive thoughts, Oz. In fact today the snow is completely gone and we're enjoying tropical like temps in the 40's. I even left my coat in the car today when I walked into work.
    Not on purpose, but because I'm an absent-minded idiot sometimes. I'd go back to get it, but that mean being cold a second time and somehow that logic doesn't pan out in the head.


  6. Oh Sugar, we are so ready for the temperate climes that will have us outside with dinner on the grill and watch puppies chasing butterflies. It's been a long gray winter here.

    Happy WW back at ya.


  7. So Pamela, is it wrong that the first thing I thought of is that I sure would save money on those summer pedicures with an abbreviated sandal season?
    We are indeed enjoying the first signs of spring. Robins, mud and seasonal allergies. And a fly got in the house and was bouncing off the kitchen window yesterday. Yepper, winter is almost a distant memory.
    It's been two days since the last snow.


  8. Hey Ralph, thanks for stopping by on WW! Sending warm wishes back to you. Indeed it's about time to end this chilly weather so we can start complaining about the heat and humidity.
    It's like the circle of life. Or something.


  9. Oh, you lucky ducks! I'm assuming the ducks are having a grand time in melting snow. My ducks LOVE a muddy backyard. As do the dogs …


  10. This morning I was reminded to lace up my muck boots tightly when the mud claimed the left boot as its very own and I was left with one socked foot poised in mid-step. Ugh.

    Mud is my mortal enemy. But you're right, Flea. The dogs love it.


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