Wordless Wednesday: Chubby Bunny

Um, Euka my love?  What’s in your mouth now? I ask.

Muthin’, says Euka.  Why?

Because it looks like you’re storing marshmallows in there, I say.  Or auditioning for Brando’s role in The Dogfather.

Nope, says Euka. I got muthin’.  See? 

Ok then, I say.  Look me in the eye and say Chubby Bunny.

Shubby . . . says Euka.  Alwight, alwright! graaack [spit]

Ah, blades of slobbered grass fall upon her front paws.  Not the worst thing she’s rolled around in that adorable maw of hers.  But still.

I love how Ella’s in the background looking on with that I’m-the-Good-Girl expression.

Aw, c’mon, Ella says.  You’re not fooling anyone here with that innocent dog act.

Yeah, I know, says Euka. [wink]

Categories: Euka II

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10 replies

  1. Literally I'm LOL! Priceless 😉


  2. Yes I do see Ella's expression. Precious LOOK. Happy WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar


  3. Let it be known that we dogs can detect things in mouth even when someone's not facing us. WOOF!


  4. BOL! A mouthful of grass? Ick.


  5. The one in the background is looking at her like, 'I know you're going to get caught.' 🙂


  6. Hi Janet, thanks for laughing with us! Happy WW to you.


  7. Yeah, Ella's looking like she is absolutely out of this one, isn't she? I'm not really with this other chick, she says. Happy WW to you Sugar!


  8. Truer words never spoken, Piranha Banana. It's a special canine sense y'all have. Happy WW to you!


  9. I guess that's a retriever thing, Oz. Now that I think about it, I don't recall having to ever finger sweep anything from our terrier mix's mouth. Not grass, gross or nuthin'.

    But rolling in icky stuff? Maybe that's a terrier thing. Well, around here it is.

    Happy WW to you, Oz!


  10. Heck yeah, that's what Ella is thinking, right? Just give it up, Euka, she says. You *always* get caught.

    Well, says Euka. Maybe not *always.*

    She is a clever one, our Miss Euka.

    Thanks for stopping by on WW!


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